
Monday, January 25, 2010

Goodness! It's time for an update!

Well well well, where to start? Reuse First has been through quite a bit since May of last year!! Lots of growth and many many changes. We have relocated twice (we lived in 3 different places last year!) and those who have seen the inner-workings of Reuse First... or graciously helped us relocate, know that it is NO easy task! We are pleased to say that we have finally settled into our wonderful new live/work abode. We have all the space we could ever ask for and are finally back to a point where we can once again focus on Reuse First.

In more exciting news, we acquired a letter press! A beautiful piece that needs a few minor adjustments before we get it up and running. Keep your eyes peeled for our first letter pressing endeavors in the near future!

In other news, we have recently become addicted to etching glass bottles. Photos soon to come! Thanks to a few very loyal customers, we have pressed forward with this and developed a solid technique. We will be selling custom bottles on Etsy very soon so keep an eye out! Our Etsy page will be revamped in the coming weeks as we update it with all of our new, exciting products.

As a side note, I thought I should mention that the two folks behind Reuse First, Michelle and Jeremiah became engaged last July... you can actually check the story out here and see a video of the whole shebang here, enjoy!

That's all for now. I promise it won't be so long between this and the next update!


Reuse First

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